BRITANNIA B I LTD is a private limited company registered in the United Kingdom. Company Registration Number: 15810469. The company was incorporated on July 1, 2024, with its registered office located at 71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, London, WC2H 9JQ. BRITANNIA B I LTD is responsible for providing post-graduate level higher education services within the UK, under the SIC code 85422.
The governance of BRITANNIA B I LTD is structured to ensure the effective delivery of its educational programs. The company is governed by a Board of Directors, which is responsible for the strategic direction, financial management, and legal compliance of the organization. The Board also monitors the company’s annual performance against agreed targets and ensures that the educational services provided maintain the highest standards of quality.
In addition to the Board of Directors, BRITANNIA B I LTD has established several committees to support its governance structure:
- Academic Standards and Quality Committee: This committee provides oversight of the academic standards and quality of the educational programs offered, ensuring that they meet the regulatory requirements and the company’s internal quality standards.
- Finance and Resources Committee: This committee advises the Board on financial matters, including budgeting, treasury management, and external financing, to ensure the financial health and sustainability of the organization.
- Audit and Risk Committee: Responsible for overseeing the implementation of the company’s audit plan and monitoring the management of strategic risks, this committee ensures that BRITANNIA B I LTD operates in compliance with relevant regulations and internal policies.
The Executive Team of BRITANNIA B I LTD provides day-to-day leadership and management, working closely with the Board of Directors to achieve the company’s strategic goals. The Executive Team is responsible for the operational management of the company, including the implementation of strategic plans, monitoring of performance, and ensuring the efficient delivery of educational services.
BRITANNIA B I LTD also relies on its Senior Management Team (SMT) for the operational execution of its strategic objectives. The SMT monitors the company’s performance against its strategic goals and provides feedback, advice, and input to the Executive Team and the Board of Directors. The SMT may establish sub-groups or working groups with delegated powers to assist in fulfilling its responsibilities and ensuring the successful delivery of the company’s educational programs.
This governance structure ensures that BRITANNIA B I LTD operates effectively and efficiently, maintaining high standards of quality and compliance in the delivery of its educational services.